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Essential Russian (+ CD) Серия: Berlitz инфо 12343b.

Speak Russian in no time with Berlitz Essential Russian; whether you're a beginner who's never studied a foreign language or a former student brushing up on old skills, Berlitz Essential Russian will provide yасиагou with all the basic tools and information you need to communicate easily and effectively This study book and audio CD set is designed for you to study at your own pace based on your level of expertise, using an interactive self-study course, utilising a unique combiбвмщоnation of 20 engaging lessons, including 4 quick review sections allowing you to monitor your progress, and audio CD to reinforce the lessons in the book Lively bilingual dialogues depict actual, everyday situations encountered when travelling in a foreign country Basic grammar is taught through common phrases and sentences, which help you to develop an instinctive sense of correct grammar without having to study long lists of rules and exceptions The book also contains a quick andбнчэх easy exercise section in each lesson, giving you the opportunity to pinpoint your strengths and weaknesses, and enabling you to study more efficiently The glossary at the end of the book gives you an easy reference list of all the words used in the book The audio CD features dialogues spoken by native Russian speakers, allowing you to hear the language how it is actually spoken Bonus online activities allow you to practise and test yourself at your leisure, 24/7; you can download additional audio to improve your pronunciation and the activities also make it possible for you to start using your acquired language skills in Russian language environments You are also able to access authentic Russian websites to help boost your language skills Overall, Essential Russian is a comprehensive language learning tool which will get you speaking and understanding the language in no time Формат: 14 см x 21,5 см 2 edition Прилагаемый к изданию диск CD упакован в специальный целбсшрилофановый конверт и вложен внутрь книги.