FCE Interactive provides a wealth of easy-to-use practice material to help you prepare for - and succeed in - the Cambridge First Certificate Exam The material is divided into modules, each module covering onасжгаe question in the exam There are also modules providing practice examination papers in Reading, Listening, Writing and Use of English Особенности программы: Full student record page for each module, showing how many times you have tried each exercise, the score yбвкшуou got and your average score for the module Instant feedback on most exercises, telling you where you have made a mistake and why Help button giving you hints and tips to help with the exercises and with examination technique All practice exercises, exam exercises and records can be printed out at any time Online dictionary - when you are connected to the Internet, double-clicking on a word will take you to that word in the online dictionary FCE Interactive covers the Readiбнцнэng, Listening, Writing and Use of English exams (the Speaking exam is not covered) Язык интерфейса: английский Системные требования: Windows 95/98/NT/2000; Pentium/Athlon; Видеокарта; Разрешение экрана 800х600; Звуковая карта; Микрофон или наушники; Internet Explorer 5; Соединение с Интернет; Устройство для чтения компакт-дисков; Клавиатура; Мышь.